ECC code requirements
According to the new International Energy Conservation Code (IECC ) that Michigan is adapting, every new house will require a blower door test by a third party auditor to test for air leakage . The new code requires all new homes to be less than 4 air changes per hour. Air leakage is measured by a blower door that depressurizes the house at a pressure measurement of 50 pascals. (See blower door page.)
It will be difficult for most builders to meet the new tougher standards without serious thought. Let us help you get the best reults in air sealing your homes to meet the new energy standards.
The test is done prior to the final inspection. Our documents will be submittes to you or the building department before the final inspection.We can meet you at your office or the job and work with your staff to ensure they understand what it takes to achieve a tight house. 90% of this work is done before the drywall is hung.